Clarifying Your Ideal Clients In Marketing Using The DISC Profile


If you don’t know who you’re trying to attract and what they value, you’ll spend a lot of time and money to no avail. 

I learned about the DISC behavioral assessment years ago and love teaching it. But I hadn’t considered using it to filter who I really wanted to serve. 

But when I did, everything got a lot clearer. 

Suddenly I didn’t feel like I had to please everybody. I didn’t care if I had haters, because I knew they were in the D and C quadrants most likely, which weren’t the quadrants I was aiming to serve. 

I could use words that reflected my own values knowing that it would matter to others in the same quadrants as me. 

Words like Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Connection. 

These aren’t words typically associated with marketing. And that’s what makes it refreshing for our tribe of I’s and S’s. 

For so long, marketing has been taught by D’s and C’s. The D’s...

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Why You Feel Burned Out In Business and How To Fix It


When your marketing and business is no longer fulfilling, chances are you’ve outgrown either your service, your message or your people. 

This uncomfortable, doubt-inducing season of life can only be solved by reconnecting to your true purpose and the work you really want to be doing in this lifetime. 

But here’s the trick…

That meaningful work can only be appreciated by those ready to receive it. And this is where most of us get it wrong. 

In this Marketing For The Rest Of Us Training we unpack not only why we get stuck but how to find meaning and purpose in our work as well as the specific people we need to be attracting for our efforts to align with results. 

[Watch Now]


Additional Resources: 

Marketing For The Rest Of Us - The Course 



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