The Potent Healer

In this episode of Important Work, we welcome Dr Jenna Zellars to the show to learn about The Potent Healer.

We’re covering it all today, listen as we discuss:

  • Dr. Jenna’s journey as a chiropractor and healer
  • Why she created The Potent Healer, and The Potent Healer Collective
  • How getting into the shadows is necessary for figuring out who you are
  • How to stop looking for specific things, so the things you need show up
  • The importance of trust
  • How healers can heal when not in their offices using technology
  • The importance of people taking responsibility for their health and well being
  • How each of us has the potential and potency to heal ourselves, others and the planet



If you’d like to learn more about The Potent Healer, reach out to Dr Jenna Zellars at, Facebook, or Instagram.

About Important Work

Important Work is an audio and video podcast that aims to serve as a platform for heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to expand who the...

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Radical Revelations Around the Divine Feminine

In this episode of Important Work, we welcome Starr Shepperd-Decker to the show to learn about Radical Revelations Around the Divine Feminine.

We’re covering it all today, listen as we discuss:


  • Starr’s background and journey, and her unique integration of activism and spirituality
  • The importance of connecting to the earth and to each other
  • How Starr works as a loving disrupter to challenge old paradigms, views and narratives
  • The archetypes of the wounded and divine feminine and masculine energies, and how the divine energies are emerging
  • A  river bank metaphor for understanding the synergy of divine feminie and masculine energies
  • How the wounded feminine and wounded masculine energies behave under stress
  • The difference between the old and new paradigms of societies and ecosystems
  • How we are infinite beings and more vast than we have been led to believe



If you’d like to learn more about Radical Revelations Around the Divine Feminine, reach out to  Starr Sheppe...

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The Divine Feminine in Business

In this episode of Important Work, we welcome Leigha Lake to the show to learn about The Divine Feminine in Business.

We’re covering it all today, listen as we discuss:

  • What feminine and masculine energy is
  • What shows up when you are using feminine and masculine energies in social settings
  • How the interplay between feminine and masculine energies affect relationships
  • The archetypes of the wounded and empowered feminine and masculine energies, and how these archetypes work as polarities
  • An important lighthouse analogy to support sharing your light with your people
  • The feminine energy side of business and business structure
  • How content marketing is shining your light


If you’d like to learn more about The Divine Feminine in Business, reach out to Leigha Lake  at, or Facebook.


About Important Work

Important Work is an audio and video podcast that aims to serve as a platform for heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to expand who they are as ...

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Holding Space for the Divine Feminine

In this episode of Important Work, we welcome Jasmine Elatab to the show to learn about Holding Space for the Divine Feminine.

We’re covering it all today, listen as we discuss:

  • Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energy
  • How working on the energy of the heart can heal the Divine Feminne energy
  • The importance of healing deeper things to be able to create everything you want
  • The balance between the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine
  • The importance of generational Divine Feminine healing 
  • How Divine Feminine energies relate to productivity and creativity 


If you’d like to learn more about Holding Space for the Divine Feminine, reach out to Jasmine Elatab on Instagram or Facebook.


About Important Work

Important Work is an audio and video podcast that aims to serve as a platform for heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to expand who they are as individuals. 

Produced by Groundswell Agency, we aim to bring you insights, interviews, and how-tos on a weekly basis t...

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3 Ways to Stand Out as a Thought Leader

In this episode of Important Work, we welcome Jason Van Orden to the show to learn about 3 Ways to Stand Out as a Thought Leader.

We’re covering it all today, listen as we discuss:

  • How to position platforms and products to help get your ideas out there in a bigger way,

and make money doing it

  • The importance of knowing what you are good at
  • How to stand out as an emerging thought leader
  • The importance of relevance and resonance 
  • What a signature method is and why you should have one
  • The importance of constantly putting out content


If you’d like to learn more about 3 Ways to Stand Out as a Thought Leader, reach out to Jason Van Orden at,  Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, or on LinkedIn.


About Important Work

Important Work is an audio and video podcast that aims to serve as a platform for heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to expand who they are as individuals. 

Produced by Groundswell Agency, we aim to bring you insights, interviews...

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Serenity Helps Productivity

In this episode of Important Work, we welcome Melisa Pearce to the show to learn about how serenity helps productivity.

We’re covering it all today, listen as we discuss:

  • Melisa Pearce’s background and her Equine Gestalt Coaching certification program, Touched by a Horse
  • How she discovered her Important Work in the world
  • What the premise of Gestalt is
  • The importance of transforming your fear into action to help other people
  • How faith is critical when jumping into the deep end of a metaphorical pool
  • The energy levels of horses, humans and the experience of serenity
  • Grounding as a way to raise vibration, and how to practice I-Thou to intentionally ground
  • Trusting that you have capacity far beyond what you think you can do
  • How to be present and productive 
  • How your business can be art in flow 
  • How serenity helps productivity 



If you’d like to learn more about how Serenity Helps Productivity, the Touched by a Horse coaching program, or becoming a client, reach ou...

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The Law of Attraction in Action

In this episode of Important Work, we welcome coach, speaker and author Michele Joy to the show to learn about The Law of Attraction in Action.

We’re covering it all today, listen as we discuss:

  • The Law of Attraction
  • The importance of taking action
  • How to see the breadcrumbs on your path
  • How curiosity pairs with joy 
  • The way joy can raise your energy and vibration level
  • Reframing failure as a gift
  • Daily rituals to elevate vibrational energy
  • How taking small steps daily can lead to big results



If you’d like to learn more about The Law of Attraction in Action, reach out to Michele Joy at,  Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, or on LinkedIn.

About Important Work

Important Work is an audio and video podcast that aims to serve as a platform for heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to expand who they are as individuals. 

Produced by Groundswell Agency, we aim to bring you insights, interviews, and how-tos on a weekly basis that can help you thin...

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16 Strategies for Sales

In this episode of Important Work, we welcome Sean Moudry to the show to learn about what it means to sell authentically and discuss his book, 16 Strategies for Sales. 

We’re covering it all today, listen as we discuss:


  • How to bring your authentic self to selling 
  • What the Myers-Briggs test is and what the preference types mean
  • How aligning sales with your prefered type can make selling more palatable 
  • Why knowledge of self helps lead teams effectively 
  • How to fall into a happy sales cycle where success leads to more success
  • What the 16 Strategies of Sales personality profile is
  • How to get your 16 Strategies of Sales personality profile for free



If you’d like to learn more about the 16 Strategies for Sales, reach out to Sean Moudry at,  Facebook, or on LinkedIn.


About Important Work

Important Work is an audio and video podcast that aims to serve as a platform for heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to expand who they are as indi...

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Rehumanize Your Business

In this episode of Important Work, we welcome Ethan Beute to the show to learn how to Rehumanize Your Business. Ethan is Chief Evangelist at BombBomb, and co-author of the new book Rehumanize Your Business.  Ethan is passionate about improving your communication and connection to people through simple, personal videos.  We’re covering it all today, listen as we discuss:


  • Learning about relationships through video
  • How to get face to face with people more often
  • Video email and its value in creating connections
  • How to rehumanize your digital communications
  • Why Ethan calls email “the broken, indispensable tool”
  • What psychological proximity is and why it works
  • What the difference is between “shiny authenticity” and authenticity
  • Why it’s fantastic to not be stuck on perfection in video



If you’d like to learn more about how to Rehumanize Your Business, reach out to Ethan Beute at,  Facebook, or on LinkedIn.


About Important Work

Important W...

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Awake and On Purpose

In this episode of Important Work, we welcome Jennifer Spor to the show to explore what Awake and On Purpose means. Jennifer is a transformational coach, spiritual mentor and an intuitive who works with spiritually driven leaders who are feeling stuck in their work to gain the clarity and confidence to answer their higher calling. We’re covering it all today, listen as we discuss:


  • How being stuck in life is a sign of readiness to step into something new
  • How every experience in our lives serves a higher purpose
  • That our souls crave expansion
  • How it is important to raise the frequency of energy of life
  • How to use intuition to align time, action and goals
  • Personal growth as an everyday decision
  • How we are eternal students



If you’d like to learn more about Awake and On Purpose, reach out to Jennifer Spor at,  Facebook, or listen to her podcast.


About Important Work


Important Work is an audio and video podcast that aims to serve as a platfor...

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