How to Step Into Your Important Work


Do you find meaning in what you do every day? Or, do you find yourself longing for an occupation or business that gives back and fills your soul?


The interesting thing is that one job could fulfill one person spiritually and have the polar opposite effect for another. If you’re in the latter group, what better time than now to at least begin considering how to step into your important work and play a bigger game?


On this, the inaugural episode of Important Work, we start to dig deep into the very purpose of this podcast: to champion your soul so you can begin doing the work your heart wants to do.



Listen now as we answer questions around building a soul-based business, including:


  • What, exactly, is important work? How do you define what it means for you?
  • How can we create impact and meaning out of what we’re already doing?
  • How do you live the most authentic life that’s aligned with who you truly are?
  • How can we re-align our outlook to feel empowered versus beat down?
  • What daily rituals should you consider doing each day to stay inspired?


Above all, we hope to re-ignite your fire when it comes to doing important work, or at least begin to think about doing that important work. Please listen in as we delve into how to start navigating the waters of your soul and discover how to step into your important work and play a bigger game.

Visit for more information.

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