Gut Health: The GUT Method & Important Work

Gut health is something we hear about, but taking a beat to stop and examine the impact it’s had on your life can mean the difference between continuing to live angst, stress, headaches, low energy, etc. and breaking free to a healthier and more peaceful life.


It can feel like symptoms are out of our control, but what if we started tuning into our bodies and the signals they send us? What impact would that have on our health, our relationships and our Important Work?



On this episode of Important Work, we talk about why gut health is not only essential to physical health, but also to achieving success in our relationships and work. Sharon Holand Gelfand joins us to share her journey to her personal Important Work of improving gut health for others. Listen as we discuss:


  • Why we’re so busy with our passion, we don’t even pay attention to our own health
  • How physical symptoms, emotions, spirit and relationships are connected
  • How to start trusting yourself and your own intuitions about what’s best for you
  • Why we have to stop looking externally for relief of physical symptoms
  • What benefits taking control of your health have - physically and spiritually
  • Why it’s essential to stop abdicating responsibility for your health
  • How habits and emotions keep us trapped in detrimental eating habits
  • How to start listening to your intuition and external prompts
  • Why we have to slow down and allow ourselves the space to be quiet
  • How food and our gut health can be an inroad to intuition
  • How to reclaim the health and energy we enjoyed in our youth

For more information about Sharon Holand Gelfand visit


About Important Work


Important Work is an audio and video podcast that aims to serve as a platform for heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to expand who they are as individuals.


Produced by Groundswell Agency, we aim to bring you insights, interviews and how-tos on a weekly basis that can help you think differently and dig into what your true purpose is - your important work.


If you feel something stirring, you should have a conversation with us to develop and iterate your own body of work that serves your own important work on this planet. Follow us at and to learn more.


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