Everyone is a Leader

Would you rate your happiness at work as high? Probably not. Why? Because 80 percent of people report not being satisfied at work. Meaning, if you actually feel happy at work and about work, you’re in the minority of workers. However, we will spend 90,000 hours and more than half our lives. That’s a lot of time to spend unhappy!



On this episode of Important Work, we welcome Tara Wear, host of the From Conflict to Collaboration show, which aims to help humanity meet our needs to truly connect with other people. I particularly focus on work, people have lowered their expectations on the type of community, collaboration, and mindset shifts.


  • Why being connected at work makes people healthier
  • Why being connected at work makes people more innovative
  • Why being connected at work makes people more productive
  • What the work dissatisfaction symptoms look like
  • How to find your inner-leader and potential for influence
  • Who the leader truly is in a group or organization
  • What a great presentation includes - and doesn’t include
  • How to transfer great presentation skills to other settings
  • How to start making a shift at work and your experience there


In addition to this, Tara shares her approach to helping people show up as a leader every day in their work, including: discovery, implementation, mindset resets, skillset development, and more. If you’ve been yearning to step up and grow in work, or even if you want to be happier at work in a way that empowers you to show up as a leader, this is the episode for you!


For more information about Tara Wear, and to reach out to her, consider joining the Facebook Group Powerful Connections Now, or request coaching at www.powerfulconnectionsnow.com.


Read This: Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor E. Frankl


About Important Work


Important Work is an audio and video podcast that aims to serve as a platform for heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to expand who they are as individuals.


Produced by Groundswell Agency, we aim to bring you insights, interviews and how-tos on a weekly basis that can help you think differently and dig into what your true purpose is - your important work.


If you feel something stirring, you should have a conversation with us to develop and iterate your own body of work that serves your own important work on this planet. Follow us at https://www.instagram.com/groundswellagency/ and https://www.facebook.com/groundswellagency to learn more.

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